Driving innovation and development
worldwide for more than 40 years
In the last decades the DK GROUP has been responsible for the development and distribution of several hundred products und technologies. Our influence has had a lasting impact on the world market and so we came to understand that we play a steadily growing role in society. Unlike many global players in today’s world, the DK GROUP is committed to giving back to humanity. Through growing engagement in Africa and other young, growing societies, we provide better education and supply with essential, secure technology.

Founder / Chairman
42 years of consumer electronics have left their mark: Chairman and namesake Dietmar Knaup probably did not dare to dream what a role his DK GROUP will play in the world market as he founded his first company after turning 26. His vision and the ability to get involved in the right networks have lead to a healthily growing, globally operating company.
Number of years DK GROUP and predecessors have been in business
Number of internationally successful company start-ups.
Number of unique products we have developed before we stopped counting.
Number of designs produced by DK GROUP and its brands by 2023.
Dietmar Knaup is involved in the development of the world’s first vertical HiFi center which was a full success for him and the Hong Kong based company Musical. More than one million units are sold Europe wide.
Founding of DiK Handelsgesellschaft, the predecessor of what is now the DK GROUP.
Development of the first product family of audio instruments.
Development of the first design range for audio systems.
Development and founding of a production site for power saving units.
Division of the branches Power Safer and in DiK into two separate sales areas–founding of DiK Power Safer GmbH.
Expansion of a sales network for energy saving equipment for the energy sector and municipalities.
First design range for audio units.
Opening of the Hong Kong office with own design and development department.
First prototype of a DVD player from own development office.
Start of series production of DVD players.
Establishment of DK digital brand.
Opening of offices in Paris, Milan and London, with a sales team in each country.
First plasma and LCD TV range under the DK digital label.
First DVD recorder under the DK digital label.
Development of the first LED product range.
Development of the first streetlamp product range.
Founding of DK OGT for off-grid technologies.
Development of a Solar TV range.